Computer technology advances through centuries, without it where would any of us be? Technology is what civilization relies on today; technology is advancing every year making it easier for us to do things. Engineering is scientific and mathematical knowledge to design structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes. Technology is important in all areas of careers, such as medical, architectural, and engineering. The area of engineering fascinates me for the amount of area there is for improvements that engineers get to find. Engineers have made the world easier for us by giving us new technology for us to get from point A to point B. The three articles that I’ve found are related to my career I would like to fulfill as an engineer. I want to see how engineers make the world much easier for us due to technology.
Computer technologies have brought many changes to architecture engineering construction where engineer professionals can design more things efficiently. This article summarizes up many things that engineers help designers to make their product much easier. “The process of designing building has become increasingly difficult “(Leman Figen Gul). Engineers have came together to invent a software to help these designers, such as architects, to build buildings on the computer. With this software, it helps people find the easiest way to come about their product, also help them find ways to make it more sufficient in the future. This is more helpful than doing it manually because it gives you tips and ideas to improve your final product.
The next article summary summarizes how the computer software by Allen Razdow helps companies organize their database with easy retrievable numbers for people, numbers labeled for items, and even help unit conversions. "With truenumbers, we will be able to manage and share critical data including design parameters and materials properties, ensuring that anyone on the team can easily get the most up-to-date information available at any time, from anywhere." (Garcia) This system is also helpful in that it will keep all the workers on the same page. All the information will be at everyone’s fingertips and easily retrievable. With the instant unit conversions, the companies can eliminate simple mistakes.
The final article, A Firm Grip, by Jeffery Winters, he declared the exciting new technological invention for measuring hand strength of patients in hospitals. The students of Rice University in Houston set their minds to the same tasks to achieve a goal. “Until now, hand strength has been measured by a clinical procedure called the manual muscle test: a doctor asks the patient to lift each finger while the doctor presses gently down on it. Such a measurement is crude at best and totally subjective.” (Winters) Doctors used their own hands and pressure to measure their patient’s nerves in their hands. With this new innovation doctors all over the world will be able to have accurate measurements that can be understood all over. When the doctors measured manually, the measurement could vary from every doctor for the same patient. Also, when patients are given treatments, they can accurately see their progress so the doctors can make rational decisions on continuing the therapy or changing it.